West Tennessee Pickleball Association

The membership drive for the WTPA has officially started.
If you would like more information about WTPA’s short term- long term goals, membership benefits, financial disclosure, and listen to a video of our WTPA June 3rd meeting, check out the meeting section below. If you are ready to become a member, your $30.00 annual fee can be paid through VENMO @WestTNPickleballAssociation or PayPal @WestTNPickleballAssn. We will also take cash or check, just email our team at westtnpickleball@gmail.com and we will help facilitate the payment.
West TN Pickleball Association June 3rd meeting.
WTPA’s short term-long term goals, membership benefits, and financial disclosure information.
<<Read the PDF>>
—> Upload your event details / pictures here.
June 2023
Bummer! Rain on league night.
Fun with Dean Refakes
WTPA Membership Kick Off
Pics from West Tennessee
Friends of Heart Tournament - 05-06-23
Lady Picklers do their Thang!!
Busy courts at Northside Church
Winners Bring on Spring 2023
Thursday morning at Conger
Tuesday Night Summer League
Fun at the barn
Pickleball at Ted Measley's Tennis Center
Senior Nationals, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Buds playing at the barn
A Thursday morning at Conger
New picklers at FUMC-Downtown
Mmmm at the Blacksmith after Friends of Heart
New picklers in Trenton
Pickleball at First Cumberland Pres
MLP at the barn
Paris, TN Picklers
New picklers at Conger Park
Hope Recovery Center
Pickleball at Westwood Tennis Center
Shayne at an MLP
New picklers in Alamo
JRay never stops!!
JEA tries out pickleball
Pickleball at the Jackson Health Fair
Hub City Picklers Bring on the Spring 2023
Lady Picklers
From the Past